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ENGL 3000 Shakespeare for Non-Majors, an Introduction to Shakespearean Works Held in the Rare Books Collection: Shakespeare Illustrated


William Shakespeare. The works of Mr. William Shakespear; : in six volumes. Adorn'd with cuts. / Revis'd and corrected, with an account of the life and writings of the author. By N. Rowe, Esq. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709. 

Rare Books Collection, Rare and Distinctive Collections




William Shakespeare.  The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare.  London: W. Bulmer, Shakespeare Printing Office, 1802.  

Rare Books Collection, Rare and Distinctive Collections



William Shakespeare.  Hamlet Prinz von Daenemark / [Textrevision von Max J. Wolff; Mit 16 Lichtdrucktafeln nach den Lithographieen von Eugene Delacroix. Leipzig: Inselverlag, 1913. 

Rare Books Collection, Rare and Distinctive Collections




Ninety-six portraits of eminent actors in Shakespearian characters. London: J. Tallis, late 1800s. 

Rare Books Collection, Rare and Distinctive Collections