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ENGL 3000 Shakespeare for Non-Majors, an Introduction to Shakespearean Works Held in the Rare Books Collection: Introduction

Rare and Distinctive Collections


Classroom: Norlin N345

Reading Room: Norlin M350B

Rare Books Librarian

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Sean Babbs

ENGL 3000 - Shakespeare for Non-Majors


James I, The Workes of  the Most High and Mighty Prince, James I, 1616. Rare Books Collection,  RaD, CU Boulder Libraries

This guide provides an introduction to Shakespeare for Non-Majors, seen through the lens of manuscripts and early printed works held in the Rare Books Collection, Rare and Distinctive Collections, University of Colorado Boulder Libraries.

The Rare Books Collection holds a strong collection of incunabula (works published in the first fifty-years of printing) and early printed, fifteenth- through seventeenth-century works, including a page from one of Johannes Gutenberg's Bibles (1455); Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles (1577); and more.

This guide includes images based on our collection as well as select digitized copies of key works digitized elsewhere. To navigate this site, use the tabs at the top to navigate by time period and subject.  

See below for links to our collections and other primary sources.  

Searching Medieval and Early Modern Collections in the Rare Books Collection

To search the Rare Books Collection's early modern manuscripts and early printed books: 

CU Digital Library

  • Search CU's Digital Library, which features our Medieval Manuscripts Collections.  Images may be downloaded from this site. 

Library Catalog

  • Search our early modern printed works through the Library Catalog.  In the Library Catalog, search by title, author, or keyword, then limit your search by location to Rare Books Collection. You may also opt to do an advanced search with more options.  

Searching Early Modern and Modern Printed Works through the Library Catalog

To locate a vast array of early modern and modern printed works, available in full text:

Early English Books Online

  • In addition, a title search in the Library Catalog for EEBO (Early English Books Online) will enable you to search works printed or published in Britain or North America between the 15th and the 17th centuries. 
  • You will need to access this database using the VPN or by logging in with your identikey and password. 

Eighteenth-Century Collections Online

  • ECCO (Eighteenth-Century Collections Online) provides access to printed works published in Britain during the long-eighteenth century.  It includes access to over 200,000 volumes, featuring books, pamphlets, broadsides, and more.  
  • You will need to access the VPN to access this data base using your identikey and password.   

Nineteenth Century Collections Online

  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online features primary sources, books, newspaper articles, journal articles, magazine articles, diaries, letters, images, pamphlets, maps, manuscripts, government reports published or produced during the long-nineteenth-century. 
  • You will need the access this database through the VPN using your identikey and password.  

About this Guide

Guide and text created by Susan Guinn-Chipman, 2021. Edited by Sean Babbs, 2022.