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MRI-Simmons Catalyst: Terminology & Interpreting Results

Terminology, Common Abbreviations, and Interpreting Results

MRI-Simmons Guide

Abbreviations in Survey Questions

  • M.O. = Most Often: This term is related to brand use.  A group of respondents may indicate that they use Dannon yogurt most often. This response does not tell you if the respondents use other brands as well.
  • Also = Also Used: This term is related to brand use.  A group of respondents may indicate that they use Dannon yogurt most often, but may also use Yoplait.
  • H.H.= Household

Code Box

  • AND: Must have both variables. The target audience is women AND 25-49 years old.
  • OR: Must have at least one variable. The target audience is women OR 25-49 years old.
  • XOR: Must have one variable only. The target audience is either women or (XOR) 25-49 years old.
  • NOT: Must have only the first variable. The target audience is women NOT 25-49 years old.

Interpreting Crosstab

  • Sample: The number of people who took the survey who meet both the row and column criteria.
    • Of the people who took the survey, 131 people are women who have eaten Muller yogurt in the last 30 days.
  • Weighted: Expressed in thousands, the projected number of people in the U.S. who meet both the row and column criteria.
    • Of all the people in the U.S., 1,190,000 are women who have eaten Muller yogurt in the last 30 days.
  • Vertical: Percent of the column reached by the row. Higher percentages in the vertical means the target audience is very into the item in the corresponding row.
    • Of all the women in the United States, 1% of them have eaten Muller yogurt in the last 30 days.
  • Horizontal: Percent of the row reached by the column. Higher percentages of the horizontal means your the item in the row is made up of more people from your target audience. 
    • Of all the respondents who eat Muller yogurt, 73.9% are women.
  • Index: The likelihood of the target to meet a specified criteria, expressed in relation to the base (100=average).
    • Index is 143: Women are 43% more likely to have eaten Muller yogurt in the last 30 days.