Mintel has tons of content about products and brands, but it may not the exact product your are researching. Start with Mintel or IBISWorld for the macro view, then look for trade articles or consumer survey data (Data-Planet or Simmons) for more specific data.
Statista aggregates statistics and studies from market researchers, organizations, specialist publications, and government sources.
Provides private company financials and revenues, private M&A deals and deal multiples, private firm valuations, venture capital fundings, private equity deals, private and family ownership breakdowns, bankruptcies, restructurings, and more.
Access note: Log in required for some functions. Register for a free account with your email address. Resource only available for current CU Boulder faculty, staff, and students. Individual accounts limited to 50 exports per month.
Comprehensive source for materials on all business topics. Also includes company profiles.
Comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals.