WARC provides information on advertising and marketing trends around the world. Subjects covered include expenditure data, case studies, industry trends and consumer insight.
Collection of Cannes Lions award and shortlist winners, with additional information on the creative process for each piece. Also includes advertisement campaigns and briefs. Access note: Must use VPN to access on and off campus. Log in required. Register for a free account with your colorado.edu email address.
News, trade and scholarly articles on PR and advertising. Trade publications like Ad Age often have the latest agency information, background on successful and unsuccessful campaigns, and details on the strategy behind a campaign.
eMarketer provides market data, statistics and analysis on the Internet, e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies. Includes high-level advertising spending reports and charts.
Statista aggregates statistics and studies from market researchers, organizations, specialist publications, and government sources. Includes high-level data on advertising spending.
Ad$pender monitors advertising expenditure information for millions of brands across television, radio, magazines, newspapers, outdoor signs and billboards. You can find how much money a company spent on advertising a specific product down to a monthly basis for the last five years. Access note: Must use VPN to access this database from off campus.