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GIS (Geographic Information Systems): Starting Out & Getting Help

Earth Sciences & Map Library

303-492-6133 (front desk)

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Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian

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Philip White
Earth Sciences & Map Library
Benson Earth Sciences Building
Rm: 165G
Social: YouTube Page

ArcGIS Software Access

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Get Help

Contact Phil for help getting help finding data, visualization, project advice, or if your just getting started with GIS! Use the Email or Appointment button on the right.


From within ArcMap... Click Help on the main menu to access ArcGIS Desktop Help. Desktop Help contains very thorough explanations tools and processes. Use the Search function if you're not sure where to start.

From within ArcGIS Pro... Click on the blue Project tab, then choose Help from the menu. This will take you to the ArcGIS Pro Help webpages (same as above link).

When in doubt, Google: "ArcGIS [insert topic] help." For example, "ArcGIS network analyst help." Don't be afraid to ask for help!