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GIS (Geographic Information Systems): Home

Earth Sciences & Map Library

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Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian

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Philip White
Earth Sciences & Map Library
Benson Earth Sciences Building
Rm: 165G
Social: YouTube Page


Welcome to this introductory guide on geographic information systems (GIS)! Use the tabs across the top or the menu below to navigate through the guide.

1938 aerial image of CU Boulder campus (USFS) with 2014 overlay of campus structures and sidewalks.


Starting Points

Research Strategies

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Questions? Need help? Contact Phil for a GIS consultation! We can search for data and help you get started with your project! Use the Email or Appointment buttons at the right.

Quick Links

Colorado GeoLibrary
Repository of Geospatial Data pertaining to the State of Colorado and CU Boulder produced/owned data.

ArcGIS Online
Use this link to access CU Boulder's ArcGIS online instance.

What is GIS?

GIS is a system for storing, analyzing, manipulating, and visualizing data that is geographic or locational. GIS has a wide array of uses ranging from environmental science, to managing municipal data, to analyzing social, political, or economic data. The sky is the limit!

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