This database is one of the best sources for finding local companies along with data on topic such as rent, revenue and payroll. Check out the video below to find out how to create a list of local companies.
Affiliated with the local Chamber of Commerce, this organization provides information about the Boulder economy, including Demographic Data and the biggest Industries & Companies in the area.
Our local trade journal is a great place to look for news about local businesses and issues that impact businesses in the Boulder area. Use the link above to browse the headlines. Hit a paywall? Search for the article through the library's subscription.
The Book of Lists is a great source of information on local companies in the Denver metro area. You can access the book of lists by clicking the link in the right sidebar.
Good to Know about Company Research
Databases are important for company research
Much information is not free and available on Google (especially for private companies).
Therefore, CU pays for students to have access to databases with this restricted (and expensive!) information.
Databases package information from different sources in one place, which saves you time.
Many databases allow you to create custom reports and export data as spreadsheets, which also saves you time.
Private company research is different than public company research
Public companies...
are required to file certain information with the federal government, such as 10Ks,
publish annual reports for investors, which you may be able to find on their website,
have a unique ticker symbol that make them easier to locate.
Private companies...
aren't required to file yearly reports with the government or shareholders,
are harder to find information on, and the information you do find is probably self-reported,