Remember when searching you often need to use the language of the time, not modern terms.
Current and historical coverage of major U.S. newspapers.
Database of journal, newspaper and magazine articlesfrom hundreds of international alternative, radical and left periodicals. Covers 1991-present. For 1969-1990, see Alternative Press Index Archive.
Major U.S. newspapers covering 1764-2016, depending on the paper. Includes New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and dozens more.
Articles published in the popular press in the United States and Canada, 1890-present. Covers all aspects of American history and culture in the 20th century. Includes the following collections: Readers' Guide Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
Digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.