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Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance

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Where are the Art Books?

The Art & Architecture Collection is arranged in Library of Congress call number order, and can be found in the northwest corner of the second floor. Relevant call number ranges include:

  • N - Visual Arts
  • NA - Architecture
  • NB - Sculpture
  • NC - Drawing, Design, & Illustration
  • ND - Painting
  • NE - Print Media (e.g. printmaking, engraving, etching, litho, etc.)
  • NK - Decorative Arts (e.g. interior design, ceramics, glass, metals, textiles, etc.)
  • NX - Arts in General
  • TR - Photography
  • TT - Handicrafts, Arts & Crafts

Not sure where to find the book you need? Check out the map of the Art & Architecture Collection.

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Documents of Contemporary Art