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GIS (Geographic Information Systems): Apps & Software

Earth Sciences & Map Library

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Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian

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Philip White
Earth Sciences & Map Library
Benson Earth Sciences Building
Rm: 165G
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Apps and Software

Scroll down to view everything! Here are links and information about various GIS tools. "Lite" refers to tools that require minimal training. "Heavy" GIS tools are desktop applications that are normally required for advanced geospatial analyses.

GIS Lite GIS Medium GIS Heavy

GIS Lite

These GIS "Lite" tools are web-based and allow for a quick map that you can share on the web. A great starting point.

GIS Medium

These GIS "Medium" tools are a little more advanced but require little training. These tools provide added sharing ability like web apps, access to data, and data manipulation abilities.

GIS Heavy

These are full-fledged GIS desktop applications --the sky is the limit. I recommend these to GIS students, advanced users, and those who need to conduct some form of spatial analysis on their data.