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HIST 2220 War and Society (Jobin) - An Introduction to Works Held in Rare and Distinctive Collections: Twentieth-Century Warfare: WWII


German Miscellany Collection

Special Collections, Rare and Distinctive Collections

This collection holds letters addressed to Lotte Arbinger and photographs of a number unidentified Nazi officers. 

German Domestic Passport of Jakob Leis, German Miscellany Collection

Special Collections, Rare and Distinctive Collections

This passport, owned by Jakob Leis, was an internal document.  It functioned like a modern-day resume: it lists all of Leis’ occupations, the dates he worked, the type of work, and a supervisor’s signature.  The document also includes personal information such as date-of-birth, family, education and training.  While not unique to Nazi Germany, this specific passport was issued by the Nazi government and was closely monitored.

Irme Hille Collection 

Special Collections, Rare and Distinctive Collections

This collection includes the P.O.W. diary of German soldier, P. Richter, correspondence, and notes relating to World War II.  The diary entries begin near the end of the war, when Richter was captured by Soviet troops near Berlin. It is likely that Richter's labor, along with that of other German prisoners, would be used to build the railway that would bring Stalin to Potsdam. Richter's ultimate fate is unknown. 

World War II: The U.S. Stateside


Frederick Nuhn, World War II Scrapbook of Memorabilia (MS 416)

Special Collections, Rare and Distinctive Collections

Frederick Hamlin Nuhn (March 1909-Dec 1980) of Brooklyn, N.Y. was called to active duty in the armed forces in April of 1943. He was ordered to report to Fort Dix, New Jersey. Nuhn's basic training took place in the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Training Regiment, Fort Custer, Michigan. He was subsequently assigned to the Prisoner of War Camp in Douglas, Wyoming and later to Camp Carson, Colorado.