This source provides premier accounting and taxation sources including: scholarly journals, tax management, and auditing trade publications, AICPA publications, dissertations, working papers, and conference proceedings.
Collections include United States tax reporter library, Federal tax coordinator library, Public domain library, RIA citator 2nd, RIA tax alerts, WG & L journals (include Journal of corporate taxation, Journal of taxation, Practical tax strategies), State and local tax materials, and IRS private letter rulings. Access note: Must use VPN to access this database from off campus.
Comprehensive source for local, regional and national newspapers in the United States, plus some international sources. Strong source for legal, company (including private), and country research.
This source is excellent for legal, company, and country research. Use the News section to find regional news publications in the U.S. Use the help section to learn to search for well known sources in Accounting and Tax. i.e. Accounting Reference Desktop.
This source provides comprehensive worldwide local, regional, national, and international news. Also look here for U.S. and international company profiles and industry reports.
Here is a comprehensive source for materials on all business topics, including company profiles. In addition to a wide selection of accounting & taxation sources, Business Source Complete also includes other business related sources which may contain accounting and taxation information.
This source covers business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, and management techniques, as well as product information, both in the U.S. and internationally. Search ABI/Inform Complete for articles related to business including accounting & taxation research, news, etc.