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Business Articles, Cases & News: Home

About this Guide

Use the menu at left or the links below to find helpful news sources and articles:

  • Articles: Go here for trade and scholarly articles across all areas of business.
  • News: Go here for local, US and international news sources.
  • SWOT Analyses: Go here when looking for SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) studies of companies.
  • Cases: Go here for free and subscription-based business case studies.

Good to Know Before You Start

Newspapers stacked against a black background

The Information Cycle

When looking for articles or news, consider the time it takes for something to be written.

Newspapers and news magazines are the first to come out, often on the same day as an event or product launch. These articles are typically short, written for a general audience, and provide just the basics.

Trade journals contain articles written by experts in a particular industry or business. These articles tend to be current and often include a discussion of trends and products that affect the direction of the field.

Scholarly journals contain expert analysis on topics or issues. Many of them are peer-reviewed before publication and thus provide some of the most in-depth coverage on a topic. These publications tend to be longer, more accurate, and often contain information that is more technical and/or scientific.