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Physics: Stay Informed & Inspired

Stay Informed and Inspired

Picture of the Engineering, Math, Physics Popular Science Reading CollectionThe Libraries are a great place to come to find inspiration for your design or research.  Use BrowZine to stay up to date with the latest research and professional news in scholarly and trade magazines.  Check out our Engineering, Math and Physics Popular Reading Collection

Diversity and Inclusion

We aim to ensure the Engineering, Math and Physics Library collections reflect the diversity of CU Boulder and the STEM community. Look for books in our Engineering, Math and Physics Popular Science Reading Collection by and about women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQIA+, and disabled scientists and engineers; as well books that discuss racism, sexism, and other biases in STEM professions; how scientific research and technology development can be biased; and how they can become more inclusive.

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Gemmill Popular Science Reading Collection

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