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Mathematics: Write and Cite

Writing Help

  • For writing assistance on the Boulder Campus, contact the Writing Center, which is located in Norlin Library. Both graduate and undergraduate students can meet with a writing tutor and receive help with any stage of the writing process.
  • Additionally, Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers a wide variety of resources about academic writing.

Citation Software and Styles

What is citation management software?

  • Citation management software can help you easily generate in-text citations and bibliographies.
  • It can also help you organize your research by topic or project.
  • Zotero is a popular and free citation manager. If you need help setting up Zotero or using it, contact your librarian.

Common Mathematics Citation Styles:

Use Zotero with LaTeX, Overleaf, and OneDrive

Use Zotero with LaTeX

Zotero does allow you to create BibTeX bibliographic entries. Learn how with these research guides:


Use Zotero with Overleaf


Use Zotero with OneDrive

Zotero provides 300 MB of free storage, but you can use linked files or the ZotFile Plugin to use Zotero with your CU Boulder OneDrive cloud storage.