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Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Study Materials

Test Prep Materials for the Japanese Language Proficiency Exam at the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries.

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Adam Lisbon

For Norlin Circulation

Study Prep Materials for the JLPT

Welcome / ようこそ! This guide shows what study materials are available at Norlin Library to help you prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Most test prep materials are available at:

  1. The Norlin East Desk. You can check these items out for 2 weeks.
  2. The Asian Studies Reference Collection in the Asian Studies Reading Room.

Note: Many of these materials are workbooks. However, please do NOT write in them. Help us preserve these materials for the benefit of everyone.

Types of Study Materials

There are two main types of materials:

  1. Practice Exams. These are full reproductions of past JLPT exams. These are considered official JLPT Test prep materials, and are published by Bonjinsha (凡人社) in coordination with the Japan Foundation and Japan Education Exchanges and Services.
  2. Practice materials based on different sections of the test. These come in two main series:
    • The Jitsurokyu Up (実力アップ) series published by Unicom (ユニコム)
    • The Kanzen Master (完全マスター) series published by 3A Network (スリーエーネットワーク)
    • Both of these series divide their books according to 5 distinct areas:
      • Vocabulary
      • Kanji
      • Grammar
      • Reading
      • Listening
    • Be aware that N1 and N2 are well covered because they are the most difficult, there are fewer resources available for the easier levels.

Key Points about Taking the JLPT

  1. The American Association of Teachers of Japanese, based right here on the CU Boulder campus, administers the JLPT in the US. Read up on the timeline for applying, preparing/studying, and taking the exam.
  2. N1 is the most difficult level, N5 is the easiest.
  3. The JLPT is offered every December in the US.
  4. The CU Boulder campus is one of the official testing sites, which is great for students here!
  5. If you aren't sure what level you should take, look at some official sample questions from each level.