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University Libraries for First-Year Engineers: Welcome to the Libraries

Ask our Engineering, Math & Physics Librarians

Engineering, Science and Design Librarian

Campus Study Spots

Beyond the libraries, there are great study spots in other buildings on campus. Check out CU Boulder's guide to find your study spot.


Welcome First Year Engineers!  We're excited to welcome you into our libraries and introduce you to our vast range of resources to support your success. On this page you'll find:

On other tabs of this guide you'll find:

  • Steps to follow to see if the library has your textbook.
  • Study Strategies: Information to help you learn how to learn, resources to find practice problems to study with, and resources to help you build coding skills.
  • Career Development: Books, magazines and other resources to help you explore engineering careers.
  • Study Breaks: Popular and recommended books, newspapers, recipes, and movies for when you need a break from your textbooks.


Find a Study Space

University Libraries has five Libraries on campus. The Engineering, Math and Physics Library is closed for renovations, we encourage you to explore the other four:

Our libraries have a variety of study spaces and furniture:

  • Conversational, quiet, and silent spaces
  • Carrells to work alone, tables to spread out with a group, and soft seating to curl up with a book
  • Seats near a window to enjoy the sunshine, or seats within the stacks to focus 
  • Many of our libraries also have group study rooms that you can reserve:

Reserve a group study room


The Engineering, Math and Physics Library is closed for renovations and will reopen in 2025.

Fun Quiz: Which CU Boulder Library Are You?

Picture of the quiz to link to the quiz