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BUSM 3030 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Fiske): Cite

How to Cite a Report

Reports like technical or research reports are treated this way:

Author, A. (Year). Title of report (Report No. ####). Location: Publisher.

  • If there is no author given, treat it as a corporate author.
  • If the report was retrieved from a database, treat that as the publisher. Ex) Retrieved from ProQuest Congressional database.
  • If the report was retrieved online from a government agency, include the url. Ex) Retrieved from Department of Labor website:
  • Include the report number, if given, as these are often updated with the same name but different numbers.

How to Cite IBISWorld

Screencapture of IBISWorld Smartphone App Developers Report 

  • Savaskan, D. (2019, April). Smartphone app developers (IBISWorld Industry Report No. OD5817). Retrieved from IBISWorld database. 

How to Cite Mintel

Screen capture of title page of Mintel report about marketing to millennials

  • Boesel, K. (2019, June). Marketing to millennials - US. Retrieved from Mintel database.