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Process: Evaluating News

News Source, Ethics, and Transparency

Decorative fake news

News publications vary widely. Examining the publication or source of news content can be revealing. Ask yourself: Did the author name her sources? Did she provide multiple sources and perspectives? Do you consider the sources appropriate given the evidence supplied? Did the author represent sources accurately? Based on this analysis, make judgments and inferences that guide how you trust or use the news source.

Types of News Sources

News Story

Direct Reporting of noteworthy events or issues


A comprehensive review of an issue or an event


Investigative Journalism

Lengthy, long-form journalism of a complex topic 



Opinion, viewpoint or argument (some written by editors -- others by readers)


Recording or transcript of a dialog or conversation

News Agency Syndications

Material drawn from news agencies such as Reuters or the Associated Press. 


Review, Ethics, & Transparency

News publications vary widely. Examining the publication or source of news content can be revealing.

Editors and Review Process

Masthead screenchot

Does the source employ editors or fact checkers? Look for a listing of editors in the about section or a section titled masthead. 



Screenshot of several examples of standards

Can you identify a mission statement, goals, or code of editorial ethics? What is the aim of the source? 'Reputable' news organizations tend to be open and transparent about their professional ethics and goals. 

Professional Journalists abide by a code of ethics.

Example: NPR

Example: NYT

Example: BBC



Professional journalists are trained to be transparent about their sources and how they gather information.

Journalists let the reader know the original source of information, quotes and evidence. Sources may be journalist first-hand observations, experts or specialists, eye witnesses, participants, spokespeople or publicists, other news accounts. 

Journalists explain to the reader why some information is omitted or unavailable at the time of writing the article.

News is responsive to recent events, but truth is provisional. As time passes more information may become available and offer a more robust understanding.



Reputable News Sources

Many countries rely on national news generated by large news organizations. Typically, a reputable source has established a record of accuracy and accountability. Nonetheless, a savvy and responsible reader will continue to actively question and investigate.

Some US news sources regarded as reputable:

Keep in mind that reputation and performance are fluid and debatable. It is not that simple. Keep your healthy skepticism!

Social Media

Keep in mind that when you see news in your social media feeds, the type of news content and the source may not be immediately obvious. 

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