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Geospatial Data: Cite

Earth Sciences & Map Library

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Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian

Profile Photo
Philip White
Earth Sciences & Map Library
Benson Earth Sciences Building
Rm: 165G
Social: YouTube Page

Basic Information

Remember to cite your datasets in your mapping projects, just as you would cite articles in a paper you wrote. 

You need all or as many as possible of the following:

  • Author (could be a person or a corporate entity)
  • Date of publication/production
  • Title of the dataset
  • Publisher (often a government entity or other organization)
  • Access information (such as a URL or DOI)
  • The date you downloaded/acquired the data

In text citation:

APA Style:

(U.S. Census, 2022)

Chicago Author/Date Style:

(U.S. Census 2022)


APA Style:

United States Census Bureau, 2022. 2022 TIGER/Line Shapefiles (machine readable data files). U.S. Department of Commerce. (Accessed 10 October 2022)


United States Census Bureau. 2022. TIGER/Line Shapefiles (machine readable data files). U.S. Department of Commerce. (Accessed 10 October 2022)

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