You will need a variety of different types of scholarly resources for your annotated bibliography assignment. But how are they different from one another?
A book authored by a single author on a single, specific subject is known as a monograph. A monograph is a highly focused work on one subject or an aspect of that subject and is highly detailed.
An edited volume is a book that is written by multiple authors and organized by the editors on a subject. Usually each chapter is written by an author or authors on a specific aspect of the subject, so edited volumes present an array of diverse perspectives and specialized study on a subject.
For example, an edited volume about Cicero will have chapters that focus on different aspects of his life and work. One chapter written by a Historian is a biography of his life focusing on the political changes of Rome, another chapter written by a Law professor focuses on Cicero's work as a lawyer and his legal cases and work, and another chapter written by a Humanities professor focuses on Cicero's philosophy in Dream of Scipio in De re publica. Hopefully you can see through this example how edited volumes provide you with a diverse set of perspectives from different specialized scholars on a specific subject or work, which provides you with a broad understanding of the field of study.
A journal article is an article written by an author or multiple authors on a specific subject that is published in a journal, a periodically published collection of articles on a subject area. A journal article will be much shorter than a monograph, but may be around the same length as a chapter in an edited volume and in some ways is quite similar to the latter.