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Literature Reviews for Education

Choosing a Search Tool


The most comprehensive Education databases we have for coverage of scholarly journal articles are Education Collection (ProQuest) and Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO). They also include scholarly books and reports. 

Broader databases

If you're incorporating frameworks or research from other disciplines like linguistics or social work, you may want to conduct a search in a broader database that will cover both education research as well as a range of social sciences research. The following two databases include our most comprehensive Education databases. 

Narrower or supplementary databases

The following databases will not offer enough resources for comprehensive coverage of your topic, but may be helpful in addition to your main search or for finding background reading. 

AI Tools

Pathways to Start Your Search

Starting with a key article

One strategy for writing your literature review is to start with one article that interests you, and to expand your search from there. That article is sometimes called an anchor article, key article, or a hook. However you think about it, this article should draw you in and get you excited to read more! 

Found your key article? What's next?

  1. Citation chaining: this simply means using one source, maybe your key article, and investigating the other writing linked to it:
    • Backward chaining: look up the references / works cited in your key article. 
    • Forward citation chaining: see who has cited your key article since publication. This of course will be a more fruitful strategy for articles that have been published for at least 1-2 years. Google Scholar and Web of Science are good tools for forward citation chaining. You may find that Google Scholar is the best option, 
  2. Author's history: What else have the author(s) of your key article written? You can look up their works in a database by searching by author, or looking them up in ORCid. You may see a different perspective, focus, or research methods from them earlier in their career, and can also citation chain from their earlier works. 
    • Google Scholar and Web of Science also have this capability but are less consistent in having comprehensive author information available. 
  3. Journals of interest: if a journal repeatedly shows up in your citation chaining efforts, check out what other articles they've published recently. You may also want to look for special issues that they've published that are relevant to your topic. Journals will have their scope readily available on their website. 

Reading literature reviews related to your topic gives you a good idea of where there are gaps in method, framework or theory where your topic will be original, or whether you might be contributing originality to the field by writing an update to a previous review. They can also make a great "key" article to branch out from.

To find reviews, try adding "literature review", "scoping review", "systemic review", or "meta-analysis" to your search. You can do this using the AND operator or add them as a subject, depending on the specific library database.

Or, search specifically in databases or journals that focus on review articles, like the following resources: 

Forward Citation Chaining

Screen capture of Google scholar showing how to "forward" citation chain by clicking on the "cited by" link under the article abstract.


In Google Scholar, to forward citation chain, click on the "cited by" link under the article abstract.

Search Tips By Database


How To Search in EBSCO
  • Select AND dropdown to change your operator to OR or NOT
  • Add new lines with the symbol to include additional keywords/phrases
  • If you get an error message, try re-running your search. Make sure you don't have any AND, OR, NOT Boolean operators duplicated, as that could be causing the error. 
Filter / limit search by: 
  • Peer-reviewed journals only
  • Full text only
  • Document type (multi-select)
  • Publish date (input a month and year range)

Title Search: When searching for a title in a language other than English, enclose the title in quotation marks. This ensures that a non-English word such as "de" or "su" is not interpreted as a two-letter search tag.

Advanced Search Top Tips
  • To change your operators, select AND dropdown to change your operator to OR or NOT
  • Add new rows to include additional keywords/phrases
  • Easily filter for peer-reviewed resources by selecting that checkbox


What Part of the Document to Search

By default, ERIC ProQuest will look for your search terms anywhere except the full text. This is called "Anywhere except full text - NOFT" which is the default search parameter.

You can change that by selecting another parameter from the dropdown as shown on the right. 

Anywhere - choose to search anywhere in the document with caution - that option will also search full text so it may give you irrelevant results, but if you're looking to broaden your search, it's one strategy you might try. 


Filter By Education Level

One filter unique to ERIC ProQuest is the Education Level filter in Advanced Search. 


Other search filters: 
  • Full text only
  • Source type (multi-select)
  • Document type (multi-select)
  • Publication date (select or input a range)
  • Language (multi-select)
Basic Search

Similar to other databases, you build your search string by entering keywords or phrases on each line, using the add row button to add additional keywords/phrases. Select the All Fields dropdown to change 

By default Web of Science will search Web of Science Core Collection. By clicking on that dropdown, you can change to another collection, or choose All Databases. Hovering over each collection in the dropdown shows the date range and scope of that collection. 


Advanced Search

Web of Science Advanced Search builds on the same way of inputting search terms row by row, but gives you the option to first build your query and see it in a preview box before searching. 

You can also type your entire search in the query builder using field tags.


More on Boolean Operators, Wildcards