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Success Strategies in Higher Education

Library Catalog

OneSearch is a discovery search platform where you can find articles, books, book chapters, films, and other materials in print and digital format. The dashboard has several features that will help you create folders (Projects) to organize your assignments, save materials to your folders and view your older searches. You will find Prospector under Supplemental Sources in the Dashboard.

Image shows search: bilingual learners AND holistic assessment. Two titles appear in the response page: Beyond Monolingual Reading Assessments for Emerging Bilingual Learners: Expanding the Understanding of Biliteracy Assessment through Writing and What Gets Lost When English-Only Writing Assessment Is Used to Assess Writing Proficiency in Spanish-English Emerging Bilingual Learners?

Interlibrary Loan

When materials are unavailable in the Library Catalog, Prospector or MOBIUS, it is time to request the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). 

Placing requests
  1. You must make an account first if you have never requested an item through ILL. Click on the tab Login to ILLIAD to start and enter your Identikey username and password. It is better to use the first and last name that is associated with your Identikey when signing up. since loans will be delivered to you under that name.
  2. Fill in the form with as much information about the item you need.
  3. If you need multiple chapters within the same book or articles from the same journal, click on Clone Request, select the transaction number you want to clone, make the appropriate edits, and click submit.
  4. You can request books, DVDs, CDs, dissertations, microform and other materials from lenders around the world.
  5. The cost of borrowing materials, including shipping, is paid for by the Library.
For issues and questions contact

Support for Studies

Study Rooms

You can reserve group study rooms at library locations across campus. These rooms vary in size, and some of them have large monitors you can plug into your computer.

Suggest a Library Purchase

Sometimes we do not have the materials you need (books, films, DVDs). If you think the Library is missing an important material, you are welcome to suggest we purchase it using the Suggest a Library Purchase form.

Technology Available for You

There are several items you can borrow with your Buff OneCard.


Students can check out iClickers for a semester at a time at the Norlin Library East Service Desk. After checkout, you'll need to register the clicker (information is on the device and available online via the OIT iClicker website, which also offers tech support).

Chargers, Headphones, Calculators

Forgot your charger, headphones or other gear? Don't worry; ask at a service desk about phone chargers, laptop chargers, calculators, and headphones. We have additional audio-visual equipment and accessories available for checkout through our Multi-media Equipment Lending Library (MELL). Faculty and staff may reserve our Video Creation Station.