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Success Strategies in Higher Education

The purpose of this guide is to provide an introduction to how to use the Libraries search engine and help students from the College of Education familiarize themselves with the resources the Libraries offer.

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Katerina Allmendinger


The purpose of this guide is to introduce first-year students to the Library's search engine and help them familiarize themselves with resources that support their studies and course projects.



Ask a Librarian

The Libraries chat service allows you to use your computer or mobile device to ask a question and receive a real-time answer from a librarian during business hours.

Email Your Subject Librarian 

The library community is made up of information specialists knowledgeable in a range of subject areas. Find your subject specialist and contact them by email!

Schedule a Consultation

Looking for more in-depth help? Schedule a research consultation for a date and time that fits your schedule. A librarian can coach you through the research process at any stage. We will meet with you in person, online, over the phone or by email.

Other Helpful Guides

  • The Education guide connects you to open educational resources, education policy, educational measurement, cultural diversity, and m and science curriculum and Instruction resources.
  • The Language and Power guide provides a starting point for those students writing a literature review focusing on linguicism and issues of race and national origin in the context of K-12 public schools in the U.S.
  • The African American Education in the US guide connects you to resources and research tips that facilitate your exploration of historical and contemporary issues in Black/African American education in the US. These resources will support your examination of the changing landscape of neighborhoods and communities where BIPOC youth live in relationship to their educational experiences and opportunities.
  • The Children's and Young Adult Literature guide provides tips for finding children's and young adult books at Norlin Library and freely available ebooks.