Create an account - Click on Explore to enter the map.

You can use the map to search for a place. The search bar can search by address, zip code, and city. Click on "change data" to select a category.

Now you can select a category and then filter this category by choosing a variable. You can also set a year. When you change the data variable, the map will display this change.

You will see the map of the location you want to search for. Hover inside the map to select a block group. A window will appear with data points for your category. The color-coded window with percentages will help you read the map. In the case of this example, the area colored orange shows the highest population number for my target population.

With Social Explorer, you can also compare two data points on a map. Click on "Compare." To compare data and change the map view, click on the "side by side" or the "Swipe" feature. The "side by side" view lets you see two data variables simultaneously. To compare, you only need to change the data on one side of the screen. You can also zoom in and out using the plus and minus signs on the right-hand side of our screen.

Notice that the population is the same in this example, but the year is different. Here I am comparing the total population of Black or African Americans in 2015 and 2020.

If you want to see data for another category, for example, "housing," click on "Change data" on one side, and select the category and variable you would like to add. Now, when you hover over any neighborhood block census track on the map, you will see not only data for one category on one side but also for the other category on the other.
If you want to save your work in Social Explorer, you must be logged into your account. You can also export it as an image and share it.