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Linguistics: Language and Power

Literature Review Suggestions for Efficiencies

Citation Managers

  • Use Mendeley or another tool to capture and group articles by sub-topic/method/theory/age group.

  • You share your Mendeley workflow, show article notes and highlights, and show Zotero + Zotfile - Kevin Seeber article

  • Use citation manager’s Word plugins as you write

Team Activity

  • How will you save and organize what you find? Do you prefer print or electronic copies?

  • Do you prefer to read and take notes at home? On campus? At a coffee shop?

    • With annotation software, sticky notes, highlighters, via tablet or laptop?

  • How will you start to compile and synthesize your notes? Will you use a lit review grid or another system?

Literature Review Grid

A literature review grid helps you organize and synthesize important information found in the literature you covered. Your grid may have as many columns and rows, but the main idea is to highlight data points that will help you siphon the central idea, findings, and conclusions. This organizational chart will facilitate the writing process when you need to compare, make connections with different scholarships, and arrange the titles following your selected methodology.

Image shows a literature review grid: Column A has the headings Information, format, research/topic question, methodology, findings, limitations, what is missing? future research. Row 1 has the heading" author/source (5).


Exercise: Find an article or book relevant for your literature review and fill in the grids on the chart.

Search Log

  • A search log or matrix records the databases you have searched, the terms used, the number of results, and any notes you have about the search. 
  • A search log allows you to document the sources you used in your search (databases, Google Scholar, Internet), the keywords you used, the number of relevant titles, and details you want to remember in future searches.
  • Having a search log will help you keep track of the terms you have tried and the places you searched. 
  • You can use whatever format works for you to create a search log. Some people prefer a spreadsheet, some prefer a table, and some people keep a paper notebook. There is no right or wrong way. Do what works for you
Database   name   Search Terms  Results     Notes

minorities AND linguistic profiles

  17 the term "minorities" expanded the search to different countries. The search term "linguistic profiles" brought up many useful keywords: "linguistic discrimination," "multilingualism," "linguistic diversity, "language status," "linguistic landscape," "systematized language discrimination"

multilingualism AND youth culture AND code-switching

  103  Emphasis on ethnic communities in complementary and multilingual classrooms with connections to gender and identity.

linguicism OR isms OR dominant narratives AND intersectionalities

  306   Found information on "translingualism;" cross-disciplinary perspectives could be a new focus for me.