The resources listed here bring together different source types (newspapers, government documents, archival materials, etc.) from various current and historical perspectives including those of Africans, Black Americans, media outlets, and U.S. and British and colonial government agencies. These resources are primarily subscriptions to content accessible by CU affiliates through CU Libraries using an Identikey.
Collection containing African American newspapers published during the 19th century.
Database of journal, newspaper and magazine articlesfrom hundreds of international alternative, radical and left periodicals. Covers 1991-present. For 1969-1990, see Alternative Press Index Archive.
Archive of the New York Times from the first issue to the present.
Collection of records from federal government agencies about Black Americans in the 1900s.
Includes J. Edgar Hoover's office files, records of the Subversive Activities Control Board, and FBI documentation on tracking of communist groups and radical organizations.
Collection featuring petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867.