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Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences: Course Materials

Ask our Engineering, Math & Physics Librarians

Check Out Books

BuffonecardYour BuffOne Card or photo ID will serve as your library card. 

Current CU students, staff and faculty: most items up to 6 months

View all information about loan periods  

Not finding your book

You may use our Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services to request materials. Place your request using our ILLiad software.

Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services are available to registered faculty, staff, and students and other authorized users at the Boulder Campus.

Borrowing Update

Due to our library catalog system migration in summer 2024, borrowing through Prospector and MOBIUS has been paused. We are working closely with our partners to resume these services. Until that time, you may be eligible to continue to request through Prospector if you are affiliated with other participating libraries, which include many Colorado public libraries.

 Is the book you want checked-out? Or is it a book that CU Libraries does not own?

Both ILL and Prospector/ Mobius are used to fill requests for physical materials that CU Boulder doesn’t have. While Prospector/ Mobius only locates materials within select libraries in Colorado, Wyoming, and Missouri, ILL locates and fills requests for materials held worldwide.


Look for the Prospector button in OneSearch.

In a few business days, you may pick up the book from the circulation desk which you  designate. If what you want isn’t available in Prospector, you may be able to find it in Prospector’s partner catalog MOBIUS, a consoritum of Missouri libraries.

 Still have questions? More on Prospector and Mobius.

Course Reserves

The Libraries can provide access to course materials like textbooks through our Course Reserves system. Course reserves can be print books or ebooks. Books are placed on reserve at the request of the course instructor.

Books & eBooks

You can search and find books & eBooks in OneSearch. If you'd like to search within the full text of eBooks to find a specific topic, you can search in the following resources:

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."  - The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Course Instructors, use some of the resources below to find open materials to teach with. 

Students, find free and open materials to help you study and teach yourself more.

Open Educational Resources from CU Boulder:

The Benefits of OER

Open educational resources address the high cost of educational materials and inspire a renewed approach to collaborative, social, and open pedagogical practices. The CU Boulder Librarians work alongside faculty, students, and staff to explore these potentials by supporting the adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER.

  • OER remove price and permission barriers to learning.
  • OER are largely born digital enabling sharing, copying, and distribution for near zero cost.
  • OER are openly licensed enabling legal reuse, remixing, revision, and redistribution of content.