Interdisciplinary index that provides citations for high impact journals. Useful for forward citation searching. Includes some indexing and full-text linking for ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
Access note: To access the API, set up your account and select "Web of Science API Lite" at Step 3 “Subscribe to an API.” For research support using the API, please contact the Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship.
Comprehensive database of scholarly literature in engineering and other applied sciences.
What are Review Articles?
"Review articles are a particular type of scholarly article that provide a systematic overview and analysis of the primary literature in a particular field. Review articles sum up the current state of research including the major advances and discoveries, ongoing debates, and where there are gaps in our knowledge that require more research. Because review articles discuss and cite the research articles that are advancing the field, you can quickly get an idea of who the major researchers are in that field." (Vassar College Libraries)
Finding Review Articles:
To limit your search to review papers, add terms like "review", "literature review," or "review of the literature" to your search in any database. Web of Science is an especially good place to look for review papers, because it has a filter to help you get just review papers in your search results.
Interdisciplinary index that provides citations for high impact journals. Useful for forward citation searching. Includes some indexing and full-text linking for ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
Access note: To access the API, set up your account and select "Web of Science API Lite" at Step 3 “Subscribe to an API.” For research support using the API, please contact the Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship.
Comprehensive database of scholarly literature in engineering and other applied sciences.
Database covering a wide variety of computing and applied science research.