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Women in Philosophy
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (400s B.C.)
Aesara of Lucania
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 400s-300s B.C)
Amphiclea (Amphilia)
Greek Neoplatonist (300s A.D)
Arete of Cyrene
Greek philosopher (Cyrenaic school) (ca. 370s-340s B.C.)
Dialectician (300s-200s B.C.)
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 500s B.C.)
Roman Platonist (200s A.D.)
Arria the Elder
Roman heroine and Stoic philosopher (d. 42 A.D.)
Arria the Younger
Roman Stoic philosopher (fl. 66 A.D.)
Greek Neoplatonic philosopher (ca. 375 A.D.)
Athenian courtesan and rhetorician (ca. 470-410 B.C.)
Axiothea of Philesia (Phlius)
Greek Platonist (ca. 350s B.C.)
Beronice (Berenice, Pherenice)
Roman philosopher (first century A.D.)
Caerellia (Caerelia)
Italian friend of Cicero, and academician (ca. 45 B.C.)
Catherine of Alexandria, Saint
Egyptian philosopher and martyr (?-305 A.D.)
Priestess of Isis and Dionysus (first-second centuries A.D.)
Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 400s B.C.)
Cleobulina of Rhodes
Greek philosopher and rhetorician (ca. 570 B.C.)
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 500s B.C.)
Diotima of Mantinea
Greek priestess and teacher of Socrates (ca. 400s B.C.)
Pythagorean philosopher
Echecratia the Philiasian
Pythagorean philosopher (fl. 400s B.C.)
Eudocia Athenais
Roman empress (ca. 401-460 A.D.)
Eurydice of Illyria
(First-Second centuries A.D.)
Roman Stoic philosopher (first century A.D.)
Geminae (Mother and Daughter)
Roman Platonists (200s A.D.)
Hipparchia the Cynic
(ca. 300 B.C)
Natural philosopher (twelfth century B.C.)
Hypatia of Alexandria
Greek philosopher and scientist (ca. 370-415)
Julia Domna
Roman empress and patron philosopher (170-217 A.D.)
Lasthenia of Mantinea
Greek Platonic philosopher (ca. 300s B.C.)
Leontium (Leontion)
Greek Epicurean philosopher (300s-200s B.C.)
Roman philosopher (ca. 100s-200s A.D.)
Makrina the Younger (Macrina)
Greek saint and religious ascetic (ca. 330-379 A.D.)
Nicarete of Megara
Socratic philosopher (300s B.C.)
Greek philosopher (ca. first century A.D.)
Pan Chao
Chinese scholar and historian (ca. 45-120 A.D.)
Perictione I
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 300s-100s B.C.)
Perictone II
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 300s B.C.)
Phintys of Sparta
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 400 B.C.)
Greek Neopythagorean philosopher (ca. 250 B.C.)
Ephesian Sophist philosopher (ca. 300s A.D.)
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 500s B.C.)
Theano II
Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 400s-300s B.C.)
Themistoclea (Theoclea or Aistoclea)
Greek Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 500s B.C.)
Timycha (Tymicha)
Pythagorean philosopher (ca. 300s B.C.)
Anna Comnena
Byzantine princess and historian (December 1, 1083-1148)
Beatrice of Nazareth
Flemish Cistercian nun (c. 1200-1268)
Birgitta of Sweden
Mystic and saint (1303-23 July 1373)
Bucca (Bocchi), Dorotea
Italian physician and Aristotelian philosopher (ca. 1360s-1436)
Cereta, Laura (of Brescia)
Italian scholar (1469-1499)
Chritine de Pisan
French/Italian scholar and writer (1364-1430)
Dudley, Lady Jane (Lady Jane Grey)
British noblewoman (October 1537-February 12, 1554)
Fedele, Cassandra Fidelis
Italian Scholar (1465-1558)
Galindo, Beatrix
Spanish scholar and Aristotelian philosopher (ca. 1474-1534)
Gournay, Marie le Jars de
French philosopher and editor of Montaigne's works (1565-1645)
Hadewych of Antwerp
Mystic (13th century)
French disciple of the philosopher Peter Abelard (ca. 1101-1164)
Herrad of Hohenbourg
Alsatian nun and abbess of Hohenburg Abbey (c. 1130-July 25, 1195)
Hildegard of Bingen
German cosmologist, mystic, and medical writer (1098-1179)
Hrotswitha of Gandersheim
German writer and dramatist (ca. 935-1003)
Julian of Norwich
English anchoress, mystic, and theologian (c. 8 November 1342-c. 1416)
Malatesta, Battista da Montefeltro
Italian scholar (1383-1450)
Mechtild of Magdeburg
Mystic and philosopher (c. 1207-c. 1282)
Molza, Tarquinia (of Modena)
Italian scholar (November 1, 1542-August 8, 1617)
Morata, Fulvia Olympia
Italian scholar (1526-1555)
Murasaki Shikibu
Japanese philosopher (970–1031)
Nogarola, Isotta
Italian scholar (1418-1466)
Roper, Margaret
English scholar (1505-December 25, 1544)
Sabuco, Oliva de Nantes Barrera
Spanish writer on medicine and philosophy (1562-1625)
Varano, Costanza
Italian scholar (1426-1447)
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
Italian mathematician and philosopher (May 16, 1718-January 9, 1799)
Astell, Mary
English essayist, feminist, and philosopher (1666-May 11, 1731)
Bacineti-Florenzi Waddington, Marianna (Marchesa)
Italian philosopher (1802-April 1870)
Barbapiccola, Giuseppa Eleonora
Roman Cartesian philosopher (fl. 1731)
Bassi, Laura Maria Catrina
Italian Cartesian philosopher (1711-February 20, 1778)
Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown
American minister, reformer, and philosopher (May 20, 1825-November 5, 1921)
Carter, Elizabeth
British classical scholar (December 16, 1717-February 19, 1806)
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
British writer on natural philosophy (1623-December 15, 1673)
Chatelet-Lomont, Emilie (le Tonnelier de Breteuil) du Marquise
French philosopher and physicist (December 17, 1706-September 10, 1749)
Chistina of Sweden
Swedish disciple of Descartes (1626-1689)
Chudleigh, Mary (Lee), Lady
English poet and writer on philosophical topics (August 1656-December 15, 1710)
Cockburn, Catharine Trotter
English playwright, essayist, and philosopher (August 16, 1679-May 11, 1749)
Conway, Anne (Finch), Viscountess
English natural philosopher and metaphysician (December 14, 1631-February 23, 1679)
Cornaro Piscopia, Elena Lucrezia
Italian philosopher (1646-1684)
Cruz, Juana Ines de la (Asbaje y Ramirex de Santillana)
Mexican scholar (November 1648-April 17, 1695)
Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine
German disciple of the French philosopher Rene Descartes (November 27, 1618-February 11, 1680)
Forster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth
German biographer and editor of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
Fuller, Sarah Margaret (Marchioness Ossoli)
American author and philosopher (May 23, 1810-July 19, 1850)
Germain, Sophie
French mathematician and philosopher (April 1, 1776-June 27, 1831)
Grierson, Constantia
Classical scholar (1706-1733)
Grignan, Francoise Marguerite de Sevigne
Disciple of Descartes (ca. 1646-1705)
Lavigne, Anne de
French Cartesian (1684-?)
Marinella, Lucrezia
Venetian author (1571-1653)
Martineau, Harriet
English essayist (June 12, 1802-June 27, 1876)
Masham, Damaris Cudworth, Lady
English scholar, writer, and philosopher (January 18, 1658-Aril 20, 1708)
Mill, Harriet Taylor
English political philosopher and feminist, wife of John Stuart Mill (October 8, 1807- November 3, 1858)
Pardo Bazan, Emilia de, Condesa
Spanish novelist, scholar, Realist philosopher, and feminist (1851-May 12, 1921)
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer
American Transcendentalist and educator (May 16, 1804-January 3, 1894)
Roland de al Platiere, Marie-Jeanne Philipon
French philosopher and political activist (1754-Novemeber 8, 1793)
Royer, Clemence
French scholar and philosopher (1830-1902)
Schurmann, Anna Maria Van
Dutch scholar (1607-1678)
Serment, Louise-Anastasia
French disciple of Descartes (1642-1692)
Sophia, Electress of Hanover
German disciple and friend of Leibniz (October 14, 1630-June 8, 1714)
Sophia Charolotte, Queen of Prussia
German patroness and disciple of Leibniz (1668-1705)
Stael, Anna Louise Germain de
French philosophical historian and political activist (April 22, 1766-July 14,1817)
Wheeler, Anna
Irish feminist and socialist philosopher (ca. 1785)
Wollstonecraft, Mary
English political philosopher (1759–1797)
Akselrod, Liubo Isaakovna
Russian Marxist philosopher (1868-1946)
Ambrose (Lazerowitz), Alice
American philosopher (November 25, 1906-January 25, 2001)
Andreas-Salome, Lou
Russian/German philosopher (February 12, 1861-February 5, 1937)
Anscombe, G. E. M. (Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret)
English philosopher (1919-2001)
Arendt, Hannah
German-American philosopher and political theorist (October 14, 1906-December 4, 1975)
Bachelard, Suzanne
French philosopher and mathematician (1919-2007)
Beauvoir, Simone (Bertrand) de
French philosopher, exitentialist, novelist, social essayist (January 9, 1908-April 16, 1986)
Bree, Germaine
French-American scholar and critic, existentialist (October 2, 1907-September 22, 2001)
Brodbeck, May
American philosopher (July 26, 1917-August 2, 1983)
Calkins, Mary Whiton
American idealist philosopher and psychologist (March 30, 1863-February 26, 1930)
Clark, Mary Twibill
American Scholasticist philosopher (October 23, 1913-September 1, 2014)
Conrad-Martius, Hedwig
German philosopher and phenomenologist (1888-1966)
Coolidge, Mary Lowell
American scholar and philosopher (December 9, 1891-October 8, 1958)
Cooper, Anna Julia
American author and scholar (August 10, 1858-February 27, 1964)
De Laguna, Grace Mead Andrus
American philosopher (September 28, 1878-February 17, 1978)
Emmet, Dorothy Mary
British philosopher (September 29, 1904-20 September 2000)
Flower, Elizabeth Farquhar
American philosopher (October 31, 1914-1995)
Foot, Philippa Ruth
British philosopher (October 3, 1920-October 3, 2010)
Gilbert, Katherine (Everett)
American philosopher of aesthetics (July 29, 1886-April 28, 1952)
Grene, Majorie (Glicksman)
American philosopher and scholar (December 13, 1910-March 16, 2009)
Gulliver, Julia Henrietta
American scholar (July 30, 1856-July 25, 1940)
Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson
Scottish translator and biographer of Hegel, Descartes, and James F. Ferrier (May 27, 1862-December 24, 1937)
Haring, Ellen Stone
American philosopher (December 5, 1921-May 9, 2014)
Harkness, Georgia Elma
American theologian and philosopher of religion (April 21, 1891-1974)
Harris, Marjorie Silliman
American philosopher (June 6, 1890-March 27, 1976)
Hersch, Jeanne
Swiss philosopher (July 13, 1910- June 5, 2000)
Kremer-Marietti, Angele
French philosopher (1927-2013)
Ladd-Franklin, Christine
American logician and psychologist (December 1, 1847-March 5, 1930)
Langer, Susanne Katherina Knauth
American logician and aesthetic philosopher (December 20, 1895-July 17, 1985)
Murdoch, Iris Jean
British philosopher and novelist (July 15, 1919-February 8, 1999)
O'Hair, Madalyn Mays
American lawyer and social activist (April 3, 1919-September 29, 1995)
Parain-Vail, Jeanne
French philosopher (1912-2009)
Rand, Ayn
American novelist and objectivist philosopher (February 2, 1905-March 6, 1982)
Rodis-Lewis, Genevieve
French philosopher (1918-2004)
Russier, Jeanne
French philosopher (1903-1982)
Saw, Ruth
British philosopher (August 1, 1901- March 23, 1986)
Schipper, Edith Watson
American philosopher (November 4, 1909-October 19, 2002)
Stearns, Isabel Scribner
American philosopher (June 23, 1910-1987)
Stebbing, Lizzie Susan
English logician and philosopher (December 2, 1885-September 11, 1943)
Stein, Edith (Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jewish phenomenologist and religious convert (October 12, 1892-August 9, 1942)
Swabey, Marie Collins
American philosopher (December 8, 1880-March 3, 1966)
Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa
Polish/American philosopher and phenomenologist (February 28, 1923 – June 7, 2014)
Warnock, Mary Helen
English philosopher (April 14, 1924-)
Weil, Simone Adolphine
French philosophy educator, political theorist, and religious mystic (February 3, 1909-August 23, 1943)
Zedler, Beatrice Hope
American philosopher (May 14 1916-)
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