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Process: Podcasting


Decorative micriphone

According to Wikipedia, a podcast is "an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download in order to listen to." This guide provides some simple tips for creating a podcast, locating sound, and hosting your creation.

Podcasting Workflow


  • Consider your audience

  • Consider your theme

  • Consider segments (sections)

  • Consider naming and branding


  • Consider hook or introduction

  • Provide a summary and indicator of segments

  • Include a conclusion

  • Provide information and teaser for next session

  • Consider content warnings

  • Copy script template (From University of Guelph)


  • Consider how you will record audio

  • Consider the environment and space constraints

  • Experiment with devices

  • Explore devices available from Norlin Library MELL


  • Practice script

  • Prepare space

  • Record silence buffer 

  • Re-record errors or mistakes

Gather assets

  • Record your own music or sound effects

  • Or, find creative commons or public domain licensed sounds 

  • Ask a librarian if you are unsure about licensing


  • Choose the software you are most comfortable using (see for learning materials about software)

  • Audacity

  • Garage Band (Mac)

  • Adobe Audition $

  • Logic Pro $

  • Even out vocal volume

  • Remove background noise

  • Add sound effects and music

  • Trim or segment


  • Export to mp3

  • Upload to soundcloud, itunes, sticher, google play, or a platform of your choice (learn about distribution options)

  • Share show notes or transcripts


Music and Sound Sources

Several sites make music and sound content available with creative commons licenses.  

Creative Commons

Learn more