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Tools: OneSearch

Use it when you are:

  • Not sure where to begin

  • Looking for interdisciplinary coverage

  • Exploring a topic broadly 


Don't use it when you are:

  • using highly controlled search terms

  • searching for very specific disciplinary content

What you will find:

  • Books

  • Book reviews

  • Journal articles

  • Newspaper articles

  • Journals

  • Magazines

  • Newspapers

  • Databases 

  • Theses

  • Research guides

  • & More...


 Searching with OneSearch

Provides a single starting point to find and access the majority of the University Libraries' resources — easily limit searches, save citations, read abstracts, access full text and more!

Go to the library homepage & start searching! 






The Interface

Click on the gold plus icons to learn more about OneSearch features.

Reading One Search Results

Click on the gold plus icons to learn more about OneSearch features.

Quick overview

Onesearch is a "discovery layer" that allows you to search the content owned and accessible to the University Libraries, including  journals, books/ ebooks, media and more. When you are ready for a more refined or discipline-specific search, consider trying these recommended databases for organizational leadership.   


OneSearch is a great place to start your research, but you won't find everything!

You will still want to search your favorite subject-specific databases to find additional articles.