Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. E-book, Lippincott, 1960.
Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Version, Publisher, Publication Date.
Ward, L. (2002). Dynamical cognitive Science. MIT Press. https://doi-org.colorado.idm.oclc.org/10.7551/mitpress/2525.001.0001
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)
Ward, Lawrence M. Dynamical Cognitive Science. MIT Press, 2002. https://research.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=0843659d-d95a-39d8-b921-836c690ea004.
Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. DOI