Students, staff, faculty and Boulder community members are invited to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation 2024 with keynote speaker Tabatha L. Jones Jolivet, PhD. The Convocation will be held in the Glenn Miller Ballroom, UMC from 9 to 10:30 a.m. January 22, 2024. The event is free, but registration is required.
Sponsored by the Center for African & African American Studies, the Leeds School of Business and the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
From the Volunteer Resource Center: Search for short-term or long-term volunteer opportunities.
Featuring Reiland Rabaka, PhD, founder and director of CU Boulder's Center for African and African American Studies (the CAAAS). Events are free and open to the public:
Jan. 14 at 3 p.m., Boulder Jewish Community Center in Boulder
Jan. 15 at 10 a.m., Silver Creek High School in Longmont.
Tabatha L. Jones Jolivet, PhD, Associate Professor at Azusa Pacific University, is the keynote speaker of the University of Colorado Boulder Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Convocation 2024.
Dr. Jones Jolivet specializes in the intersectional study of race, racism, resistance, and social movements; rehumanizing and abolitionist pedagogies; spirituality and sacred resistance; and building antiracist institutions and societies. Read her full biography.
Dr. King's legacy is continued through the work of many people toward his vision of the Beloved Community. On this page, in addition to highlighting campus and community celebrations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you'll find organizations and opportunities for service guided by Dr. King's principles, with a focus on work by and for Black communities.
The King Center's theme for the 2024 holiday is ‘Shifting the Cultural Climate through the Study and Practice of Kingian Nonviolence’. The theme of this year’s CU Boulder convocation – from rest to revolution – signifies the dialectical relationship between the self and oppressive systems. In that spirit, this guide includes additional resources on the learning and practice of nonviolence through many walks of life, and on healing from racial trauma.
Resources for Healing shares local and national resources for healing from racial trauma, and learning and enacting nonviolence, creative protest and racial justice.
Learn more about Dr. King shares audio, video, books, and images related to the work and legacy of Dr. King.
About the Holiday shares more about the history and the lives and work of people who helped to establish Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a U.S. federal holiday.
These service opportunities are framed around Dr. King's model of social change enacting the practice of nonviolence to end poverty, racism, and militarism.
Following the list of service opportunities are accompanying learning resources that aim to meet you where you are in your journey. These resources provide opportunity for self-education, share about the joy and restorative power of taking action, and provide space to reflect on how you might contribute to building a better community.