You can use Zotero. It's free software that works with your browser to make tracking your sources and citing them later much easier. Check out the Libraries guide on using Zotero.
OneSearch is the Libraries' Search Engine. It can help you discover books, eBooks, and scholarly articles that Google cannot provide access to. Your search results will be better if you can understand how to use keywords to get better results.
First, some general rules:
You can start with a simple search like "kpop," here are the first 5 results:
⭐Note: Search results change over time, your results may vary.
Don't just do one search, do multiple searches: In addition to "anime," you can also search:
These simple changes give surprisingly different results, here is the first result for each search string above:
⭐Note: Search results change over time, your results may vary.
⭐ Notice that once you start to do more specific searches, you will start seeing more journal articles.
"kpop" is too broad a topic for doing a research paper. Think about what you would like to focus on, what are you passionate about in addition to kpop?
A simple search like "kpop diplomacy" will provide new and interesting results. Even without reading the materials, the search results will provide you with lots of concepts, ideas, and vocabulary to better explore your topic. Below are some examples:
⭐ Varying kpop AND k-pop may produce different results.