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Undergraduate Guide to Japanese Studies

Helps students new to conducting research, emphasizing how to find scholarly books and articles on Japan.

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Adam Lisbon

Japanese & Korean Studies Librarian

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Adam Lisbon

How do I keep track of the resources I find?

You can use Zotero. It's free software that works with your browser to make tracking your sources and citing them later much easier. Check out the Libraries guide on using Zotero.

Discover Resources for Japanese Studies

This guide will help you use the Libraries search Engine, OneSearch, to:

  • Search effectively to find resources to write your class papers
  • Write about topics that you are excited about
  • How to find Scholarly Books and eBooks
  • How to find Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  • Understand what Information the Libraries Search Engine gives you to make finding resources easier.

The Libraries' Search Engine: OneSearch

OneSearch will simultaneously search for:

  • books
  • scholarly articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals
    • includes articles that are book reviews
  • newspaper articles
  • databases

Understanding the Format Types

Each format below links to an in-depth guide on how to locate more resources of that type.

Limit Search Results to Online/Digital Only

After you search OneSearch with several keywords relevant to your topic, the results page will have filters on the left. Use the "Full Text Online" filter and then you also select the "Book / eBook" filter to only get eBooks. Journal articles and are almost always digital and do not require the "Full Text Online" filter.

Compare a search for "osaka mayor" with the following filters active: