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Instruction in Diverse Classrooms

This guide is based on the syllabus EDUC 4032-5485 (Differentiating Instruction in Diverse Secondary Classrooms) prepared by Lydia Sollenberger. Description: Focuses on finding resources for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students, special

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Katerina Allmendinger


This guide will help users find resources for diverse classrooms, teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students, and teaching special education students. This guide also provides tips to find scholarship about evidence-based teaching practices, programmatic interventions that support student learning, and using research to inform practice.


A reading of interest:
Rangvid, B. S. (2022). Special educational needs placement in lower secondary education: the impact of segregated vs. mainstream placement on post-16 outcomesEducation Economics30(4), 399–425.

Books on Interest