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ENVD 1004: Introduction to Environmental Design

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Source Types

Cover image of Journal of the American Planning Association

Academic, Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

What: Scholarly Journal Articles
Content: Research, analysis
Purpose: Inform, argue
Tone: Formal and specialized
Authors: Researchers, Professors, Scholars
Audience: Academic, maybe professional
Review: Peer review

Cover image of 'Scape : the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism

Trade Journal Articles

What: Trade Journal Articles
Content: Reviews, professional news and trends, case studies
Purpose: Inform
Tone: Understandable within profession
Authors: Writers, professionals from the field
Audience: Practitioners, professionals
Review: Editor, professional association

Cover image of The New York Times newspaper

Popular Newspaper and Magazine Articles

What: News Articles
Content: News, current/topical, opinion
Purpose: Inform, entertain
Tone: Casual and accessible
Authors: Writers, journalists 
Audience: Broad general audience
Review: Approval by editor

What is Peer Review?

Researchers conduct original research and then publish articles about their research in scholarly journals. Articles published in scholarly journals usually go through a peer review process. Researchers may also present their research at a professional conference and in this case they also write a paper that is peer reviewed and published in the proceedings of the conference.

Lets explore how the peer review process works using the video "Peer Review in 3 Minutes" by the the North Carolina State University Library. 

Journal Publication Workflow infographic by Jayashree Rajagopalan

Infographic by Jayashree Rajagopalan

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