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Engineering Leadership Program: Leadership Skills & Issues

Researching Leadership Skills

There are a number of leadership skills, attributes, & issues you may wish to learn more about.  The libraries have a number of books, articles and other resources that can help you become a stronger leader.  In addition to suggested sources are suggested subject terms, which you can click on to find more sources on that subject.

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to accountability & assessment include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Accountability


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to accountability, assessment, & evaluation include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to collaboration include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Collaboration
  • Team building


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to collaboration include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to communication issues include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Listening
  • Empathy


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to interpersonal communication include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to diversity & inclusivity include:

Keyword searching for topics related to diversity & inclusively will also bring a number of results.


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to diversity & inclusively include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to decision making include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Planning
  • Strategizing
  • Vision 
  • Goal-setting


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to decision making include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to ethics include:


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to ethics, leadership, & engineering include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to interpersonal conflict include:


A sample of books on this topic include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to organizational culture include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Organizational culture
  • Organizational climate


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to organizational culture include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to problem solving include:

Other keywords you also might try searching with include:

  • Innovative problem solving
  • Innovation
  • Creativity


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to problem solving include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to project management include: 


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to project management include:

Suggestions of subject terms to search to find books & journals on topics related to public speaking include:


A sample of books on this topic include:


A sample of scholarly journals that publish research related to public speaking include: