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Creative Commons

Introducing Creative Commons

The Creative Commons is an organization dedicated to building a robust commons and culture of sharing. The organization makes available licenses that allow reuse within the 'all rights reserved' setting of copyright law. 

We believe in universal, open access to content and knowledge; we believe in improving access and equity of access to information/education; and we believe that creators’ choice to openly license their resources not only benefits the creators but also increases opportunities for innovation and creativity in their broader communities.

Spectrum of Rights


All rights reserved.

Permission to reuse required.

Creative Commons

Some rights reserved.

Reuse allowed based on license elements.

Public Domain

No rights reserved.

Reuse permitted to all users.


This guide will introduce you to:

CC Timeline

The CC Organization seeks to support a copyright system that balances the rights of creators and rights of the public. At the heart of the organization is a belief in access, equity, and openness. Scroll through the timeline to catch a glimpse of the history and community.

Except where otherwise noted the guide content  Creative Commons License
Creative Commons by Caroline Sinkinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.