License type
Review the license assigned to the work. With a CC license, an author may grant you a combination of rights: to freely copy, freely redistribute, freely transform, or freely reuse your work. Learn more about CC licenses on our guide and review the Creative Commons FAQ for licensees.
Format type
Consider the format of the work and the ease with which you might remix, edit, or revise. Review the chapter Assess Editability from Modifying an Open Textbook.
Organization and flow
Consider the logic and clarity of the topic organization. Consider if the language and sequencing will be comprehensible to learners.
Cultural relevance
Consider if the text is inclusive of a variety of worldviews, races, cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.
Relevance to context
Consider the course and learners that will use the OER. Ask if the content is appropriate for learners and teachers in higher education.
Consider the accessibility of the content for all learners. Explore Accessibility considerations in more detail below.
Content Accuracy
Review content for accuracy and absence of factual, typographical, and grammatical errors.
Consider if the content will quickly require updating to remain relevant.
Review the text for clarity and absence of jargon or overly technical language.