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GEOG 1972 Environment-Society Geography: Books


Image of an open book

This is a multidisciplinary course, so you may find books at multiple branches across campus. The best way to find what you're looking for is by searching in the library catalog with the new library search engine, OneSearch. If the results you are finding are too broad, consider using the filters on the left side of the page to narrow your search results by date, academic discipline, or keyword.

Be aware that we also have an extensive e-book selection. For more information on how to download library e-books to your device, visit here.

Searching the Library's Search Engine, One Search

What does OneSearch have access to? OneSearch has access to the entire library catalog. It also accesses many journals and databases we subscribe to electronically. However, it doesn’t  search every database, journal, and digital collection item the  library has access to. Be sure to search relevant subject databases and collections as well as OneSearch to find the resources you’re looking for.

Find Books Beyond CU-Boulder

Prospector Is the book you want checked out? Or is it a book that CU Libraries does not own? Look for the Prospector button to request it from another library. In a few business days, you may pick up the book from the circulation desk which you  designate. 

IlliadTo request materials that CU and Prospector don't own, login to ILLiad, the Interlibrary Loan system. Generally, an ILL request will take longer to be delivered than material requested through Prospector.

Not an actual WorldCat; just a cat with a globe

WorldCat is an online catalog of over 9,000 libraries worldwide, and it allows you to do a more thorough search than OneSearch because you are not limited to only the items we already own.

 For any books you find in WorldCat, you will be able to see if CU-Boulder owns that item. If the book isn't available, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Please be aware that items ordered via ILL can take up to several weeks to arrive. Obviously, if your assignment is due very soon, this will not be an option.

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