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ETHN 2013 Critical Issues in Native North America (Carroll)

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Katerina Allmendinger

Research Guide -

Assignment Details: Annotated Bibliography

  1. Find five peer reviewed, scholarly sources on an approved topic and write descriptive and evaluative annotations for each source. Annotations should total 150 words per entry, and should briefly summarize the work as well as evaluate its relevance to your topic.
  2. Write a 500-700 word introductory statement that addresses the following points:
    • Why you chose the topic
    • How it represents a critical issue for Native peoples
    • Its relation to any current events
    • How and why you chose the selected works in the bibliography
  3. Your choice of citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc)

What is an Annotated Bib?

Your Strategies

  • Have you done a project like this before?
  • What have been your strategies?
  • Your struggles?

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