If the article you are looking for isn't available online, the CU libraries will get it for you! When you click "CU Full Text" in a database, you'll have the option to request items we don't have online if the item isn't there. Using the request buttons and following the instructions they generate should help you to place your request. Once we've received the article, we'll email you with a link from which you can download the PDF of your article.
To check whether your articles have arrived, what their status might be, or to manually request an article or book, you can log on to interlibrary loan (aka ILLiad).
While the databases above are great places to start, you'll also find it helpful to focus in on deep, narrow databases that are used by scholars in the discipline you're learning to be a part of.
Browse all of our subject-specific databases on our Research by Subject page, or try one of the selected databases below. We've chosen them because they're especially good examples of subject-specific databases in areas EBIO 3940 students commonly study, but there are even more on the Research by Subject page.
Comprehensive database of scholarly literature in engineering and other applied sciences.
Database covering a wide variety of computing and applied science research.
If CU Boulder Libraries do not have access to an article that you want, we'll attempt to borrow it from another library. You can make your request here.