The Slavic Languages and Literature Collection is located on Level 3B in Norlin Library Stacks and at PASCAL Offsite storage facility.
Books relating to Russian Literature are in the call number range: PG 2900 - PG 3698 (Level 3B in Norlin Stacks)
Books relating to Russian Philology and Language are in the call number range: PG 2001 - PG 2826 (Level 3B in Norlin Stacks)
You may use our Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services to request materials. Place your request using our ILLiad software.
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services are available to registered faculty, staff, and students and other authorized users at the Boulder Campus.
Borrowing Update
Due to our library catalog system migration in summer 2024, borrowing through Prospector and MOBIUS has been paused. We are working closely with our partners to resume these services. Until that time, you may be eligible to continue to request through Prospector if you are affiliated with other participating libraries, which include many Colorado public libraries.
Is the book you want checked-out? Or is it a book that CU Libraries does not own?
Both ILL and Prospector/ Mobius are used to fill requests for physical materials that CU Boulder doesn’t have. While Prospector/ Mobius only locates materials within select libraries in Colorado, Wyoming, and Missouri, ILL locates and fills requests for materials held worldwide.
Look for the Prospector button in OneSearch.
In a few business days, you may pick up the book from the circulation desk which you designate. If what you want isn’t available in Prospector, you may be able to find it in Prospector’s partner catalog MOBIUS, a consoritum of Missouri libraries.
Still have questions? More on Prospector and Mobius.