Review fair use guides like Set of Principles in Fair Use for Journalism and Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use. From the Center for Media & Social Impact at American University.
Kanopy offers over 8,500 streaming films, documentaries, educational and training videos from an array of producers and distributors including BBC Active and Criterion Collection/Janus films. All videos work on PCs with Flash, iPads, iPhones, and mobile devices.
More than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN.
Need help accessing a video clip? Contact Stacy Gilbert for assistance.
This library contains digital images uploaded by Archive users which range from maps to astronomical imagery to photographs of artwork. Many of these images are available for free download.
Searches for propaganda, advertisements, historical documents and other artifacts. Includes the following collections: Everyday Life and Women in America; Global Commodities; Macmillan Cabinet Papers; Market Research and American Business; Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975; Race Relations in America; Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape; Shakespeare in Performance; Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice
1980s Culture and Society
Africa and the New Imperialism
African American Communities
Age of Exploration
America in World War Two: Oral Histories and Personal Accounts
American Committee on Africa
American History
American West
Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human Rights
British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on Film
Broadcasting America
Children's Literature and Culture
China, America and The Pacific
China: Culture and Society
China: Trade, Politics and Culture
Church Missionary Society Periodicals
Colonial America
Colonial Caribbean: Colonial Office Files from the National Archives UK
Defining Gender
Early Modern England: Society, Culture and Everyday Life
East India Company
Eighteenth Century Drama : Censorship, Society and the Stage
Eighteenth Century Journals
Empire Online
Ethnomusicology: Global Field Recordings
Everyday Life and Women in America
First World War
Food and Drink in History
Frontier Life
Gender: Identity and Social Change
Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Global Commodities
Grand Tour
Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making
India, Raj and Empire
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Indigenous Newspapers in North America
Interwar Culture
J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America
Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954
Leisure, Travel and Mass Culture: The History of Tourism
Life at Sea: Seafaring in the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1600-1900
Literary Manuscripts Berg
Literary Manuscripts Leeds
Literary Print Culture: The Stationers' Company Archive
London Low Life: Street Culture, Social Reform and the Victorian Underworld
Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965
Mass Observation Online
Mass Observation Project: Module I 1980s
Medical Services and Warfare
Medieval Family Life: The Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh Papers
Medieval Travel Writing
Meiji Japan: The Edward Sylvester Morse Collection from the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem
Mexico in History
Migration to New Worlds
Missionary Studies
Nineteenth Century Literary Society: The John Murray Publishing Archive
Perdita Manuscripts, 1500-1700
Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900
Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain
The Ad*Access Project at Duke University has images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955.