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Buffs One Read 2024-2025: Solito

I smile and keep nodding, imagining my parent's hands. Their house. Their lawn. Their garden. Their swimming pool and cars. I want The Four to meet my parents. I look over at Patricia and Carla. At Chino. I'm gonna say goodbye to them soon. The sun is a bit over the center of the sky, shining in every direction. Our shadows are so small, but they touch. We're one big shadow. Our own family. I hope we rest a long time.

Javier Zamora, Solito, p. 361



Start a conversation

We've designed some prompts to help students, faculty, and all of the CU community to engage with the 2023 Buffs OneRead. These questions may be posed to an entire class, to small groups, to online communities, or as personal reflective prompts. The questions sampled here focus on reader experience and connection. For more discussion prompts and facilitation tips, or to join the conversation, please join the Buffs OneRead Canvas community course: Solito.

Interested in hosting a book club or your own event? Access our Buffs One Read media kit and book club materials. Want assistance facilitating? Contact


Discussion questions

How did you experience the book?

Was there a particular anecdote or story that immediately drew you in? Why might that be?  

Which of the chapters immediately drew you in and why?

Was there a passage that struck you and stayed with you after you finished reading? 

What was most surprising or intriguing to you? What aspects did you find difficult to understand?

Reflecting on the book, have your perspectives, views, or beliefs shifted? If so, how? 

After reading the book, what do you find yourself curious about? 

After reading the book do you feel compelled to take any action or a desire to impact any change? 

Reflect & Create

These writing or creative expression prompts might be used for formal assignments or informal exercises. For more reflective and creative activity prompts, please join the Buffs OneRead community course: Solito


Javier Zamora's journey spanned several weeks and crossed through several countries. Explore a map of his journey. Consider creating your own map or timeline of his journey.


Zamora's vivid descriptions of the natural world provide beauty and relief for the reader and the young traveler. Recall, if you can, a memory from childhood regarding a place that was brand new to you. Envision the scenery, smells, people, details, and general feelings that are part of this memory. Take a few moments to write down, draw, or express in whatever fashion all the details you can remember about this new place.


Solito is full of inspiring characters and individuals. Did you feel particularly moved or inspired by any of them? Consider composing a letter to one of the people portrayed in the text. Draw from the text to give examples of what struck you and how the work has shifted your thinking or impacted you in some way. Consider what questions you’d ask the character if you were able to meet them. Consider what you might like to share with the character.


Join Campus Celebrations

Join events and opportunities provided across campus throughout the academic year.

Hosting your own event? Access the Buffs One Read media kit for materials and more.


Are you teaching or interested in collaborating on the Buffs One Read? Please complete this quick questionnaire.

Keep in mind we can share the content to be imported into your Canvas Course. Contact