Only active and pending orders were migrated from Sierra into FOLIO. Active and pending orders were defined as Orders with Orders status of open "o", ongoing open "f", and on hold "1". No closed or paid orders were migrated.
Edit, Open, Unopen order records
Importing an Instance record into FOLIO from OCLC
Importing Print Firm Orders from Oasis with the Order Import Tool
Importing Ebook Firm Orders from Oasis using FOLIO Data Import
Law Instances & Duplicating Law Purchases
Law Instances: How to Identify Law Instances
One-time, eresource, single-title ebooks and streaming videos orders
Ongoing, electronic resource order
Ongoing Orders Clean up in FOLIO
Purchase Order Line Fields and Definitions: Acquisition Method, Order Format, Material Type
Standing Orders, Classed Separately - Create Package Order and Receiving