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RLST / WGST 2800 Women and Religion (Lillie)

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Combine Search Words

AND  link words by AND to search for all words in the same resource

OR  link words by OR to search for one word or another (instead of both/all words)

NOT  to eliminate results with a certain term

“Quotations” – add quotations to a group of two or more words to search for the exact phrase 

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Finding Books at CU

Tips for keyword searching:

  • Searching with “and” narrows your search, retrieving fewer, yet more specific, results.

  • Using the asterisks (*) at the end of the root word will retrieve results where that word has different endings. For example, searching religi* will retrieve results with religion, religions, and religious.

  • Think of synonyms, related terms, and alternate spellings! 

  • Once you find a book that interests you, make sure you write down the whole call number and note if the book is available and where it is!

  • Find relevant books in the stacks and look around that book to see what else you can find. Books with similar subjects will be near each other on the shelves.

Find Edited Books and Anthologies

Edited books and anthologies are books written by multiple authors on a particular topic or subject. Each author contributes a chapter in the book on their specific research. These types of books do not need to be read from front to back. Instead, look at the table of contents for each of the chapter titles and pick which chapters are on your research topic.